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Scoring and Interpretation:

In the PHQ-9 assessment, you’ll come across nine straightforward questions reflecting on your experiences over the past two weeks. These inquiries touch on aspects like sleep quality, energy levels, appetite, and other indicators that could shed light on depressive symptoms. The scoring is simple and direct:

  • A response of “not at all” scores 0.

  • A “several days” response scores 1.

  • A “more than half the days” response scores 2.

  • A “nearly every day” response scores 3.

Your total score is the sum of all responses, painting a preliminary picture of where you might stand.

  • Score 1-4: Indicates minimal depression. It's a comforting zone, but being proactive about your mental health is always a good choice.

  • Score 5-9: Falls under mild depression. If this is where you land, consider discussing your results with a mental health specialist.

  • Score 10-14: Signifies moderate depression. Engage with a healthcare professional to explore the right support for you.

  • Score 15-19: Points towards moderately severe depression. It's advisable to seek support from a mental health specialist.

  • Score 20-27: Reflects severe depression. This score strongly suggests seeking professional support for a balanced treatment plan comprising medication and therapy.

We would like to provide you with your results and some recommended next steps based on your score. Mental health specialists have a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of mental, emotional, and physical health. Mental health symptoms impact various aspects of our life and specialists will be able to evaluate your symptoms, discuss your concerns in detail, and recommend the most suitable treatment options, if necessary.

If you think it is time to schedule a mental health check-up, complete a self-referral today. Embracing the journey towards better mental health could be just a click away.

We are here to help.

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